Dr Sally Bell
GP - Speaker and Health Educator

Dr Sally Bell specialises in Lifestyle Medicine and Women's Health - designing and running wellness retreats which help you understand how to improve your Pausal Journey and to be proactive in improving health. 

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Pamela Windle
Women's Health Coach

With over 20 years experience in the health & wellness sector, Pamela uses evidence-based practices to explore your hormonal health starting point and guides you through nutrition and lifestyle changes to bring your body back into balance and to gain strength throughout your menopausal journey. 

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Linda Booth
Digestive Health Specialist - Naturopath 

If you are experiencing symptoms such as IBS, bloating, acid reflux, constipation, UTIs or any other gut, bladder, vaginal issues - Linda has been treating women for many years, running one of the UK’s most successful natural digestive and gut disorders clinics, and since Founded Just For Tummies - providing women with high quality natural supplements - Linda is sharing her knowledge and experience to help you now and long into Post Menopause

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Pamela Windle
Women's Health Coach

As a Women's health and hormones Coach Pamela also helps you understand the effects of nutrition and lifestyle on your Pausal Journey. Creating monthly recipes in our members area, Pamela raises awareness of the benefits of key ingredients within our diet and helps you to develop healthy habits for long term benefit. 

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Carly Corrigall
Specialist Women's Health & Fitness Coach/Personal Trainer

Carly specialises in Women’s Health & Fitness
during the peri to post menopause period.

Carly helps you build confidence by getting strong in both body and mind. Here to show you that exercise doesn't need to be complicated or scary! 

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Detzi Simpson
Reiki Healer, Meditation Teacher and Reflexologist

Here to help you find a smoother way to move through your journey. She shares with you the benefits of meditation for pain, stress, anxiety & sleep problems. Also introducing techniques that you can easily build into your every day.

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Maria Hastings
Yoga for the Menopause

A Yoga teacher with specialist training in Menopause Yoga, Qigong and Meditation. Maria draws on all of these techniques to share mindful, enjoyable and nourishing Yoga practices to support women in all stages of the menopause as well as later life. 

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Melanie Moore
EFT Practioner - Big Vision Coach

Melanie provides you with tools to help ease menopausal symptoms, help empower the inner voice which can hold us back and ultimately help you change the trajectory of your life. Tools include Emotional Freedom Technique.  

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Christine Maragkakis
Life, Mindset, Wellbeing Therapist and Mindfulness Specialist

Chris is passionate about supporting mid-life women and specialises in helping you through anxiety, difficult relationships and trauma because she knows that dealing with the things that come up during this process can free you from the Pain, Lack of confidence, Depression, Anger, Burnout, Overwhelm, Overthinking, Substance Misuse, Weight Problems and Phobias that often become worse during perimenopause and beyond.

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Jacqueline Kent
Midlife Women’s Self Care & Self Discovery Coach

Jacqueline helps women during their midlife and menopausal years when they feel like they’ve lost their way. Understanding that disconnection from ourselves impacts all areas of wellbeing, Jacqueline helps guide you on a journey back to discovering who you are.
With self-care and self-knowledge as priority you can find the way that works for you, to move yourself higher up the list, and think about what you need first and foremost.

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Beki Barratt
Complementary - Fusion Therapist

Coming Soon … Beki is a complementary therapist and menopause wellness practitioner. Founder of a new wellness programme combining reflexology, aromatherapy, acupressure and reiki with nutritional and lifestyle advice tailored to help alleviate symptoms of peri /menopause. Learn more about how all of these different therapies can help you and your symptoms. 

Samantha Culshaw-Robinson
Mindfulness Coach


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Shona Munro
Natural Skin Care Specialist - Founder & Creator of the Skin Elixir Range

The largest organ in our body often gets neglected and as hormones change you may be experiencing changes in texture, tone, appearance, elasticity or perhaps developing skin problems like acne, rosacea, dry skin. Shona is here to help guide you to literally Nourishing the skin you are in … follow the link to Ask Shona your skin care questions .. 

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Dr Sally Bell
GP - Speaker and Health Educator

As a GP specialising in Lifestyle Medicine and Women’s Health Dr Sally Bell has a rounded perspective of how to approach Menopause in the Workplace. Through consultations, talks and online events she can help both employer and employee to become more aware of the challenges faced and how to be proactive in improving health and environment enabling women to remain in work during these transitional years. 

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