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BOOK REVIEW: The Perimenopause Solution by Dr Shahzadi Harper and Emma Bardwell book recommendation book review

Sarah P - a Pause & Unite member share her thoughts on this book...


Brief overview of the books perspective on peri/menopause:

An excellent easy-to-read book covering everything that...

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BOOK REVIEW: Natural Menopause by Dr Anne Henderson book recommendation book review maria hastings

“This is a great little manual for anyone looking for a holistic approach to their menopause. Really well-rounded, with good introductions to nutrition, exercise, yoga, aromatherapy, herbal...

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BOOK REVIEW: The Complete Guide to POI & Early Menopause by Dr Hannah Short and Dr Mandy Leonhardt book recommendation book review early menopause sheree - early menopause

Sheree - our Early Menopause Ambassador - reviews this book by Dr Hannah Short and Dr Mandy Leonhardt.

A brief overview of the perspective of the book on peri/menopause:

POI is described as the...

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