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BOOK REVIEW: Natural Menopause by Dr Anne Henderson

book recommendation book review maria hastings Apr 24, 2023

“This is a great little manual for anyone looking for a holistic approach to their menopause. Really well-rounded, with good introductions to nutrition, exercise, yoga, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, talking therapies, as well as providing a helpful overview of HRT.

Everything is clearly and simply presented, with very good visuals.

The book really acknowledges and respects how different we all are, and that different approaches suit different people.

This is not a book that champions one approach over another, rather it offers practical information on many areas, inviting the reader to choose what works best for them.

I remembered that I wasn’t so keen on how they positioned Yoga, as a form of exercise that had other benefits, as it is so much more than that- particularly during menopausal years. 

That aside, the info that this book presents about Yoga and all the other topics is good and clear and I would recommend it as a starting point when exploring treatments/approaches”


For Yoga guidance and demonstrations from Maria Hastings -  click the image below:

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