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BOOK REVIEW: The Complete Guide to POI & Early Menopause by Dr Hannah Short and Dr Mandy Leonhardt

book recommendation book review early menopause sheree - early menopause Feb 13, 2023

Sheree - our Early Menopause Ambassador - reviews this book by Dr Hannah Short and Dr Mandy Leonhardt.

A brief overview of the perspective of the book on peri/menopause:

POI is described as the partial or complete loss of ovarian function. This book helps explain all aspects of POI and Early Menopause. It is a must-read!! It explains menopause and the various ways it can occur, the effect it has on the body and the grief and isolation one may feel when they go through menopause or when entering into the diagnosis of POI. This book includes many diagrams and top tips for managing diet and lifestyle through a hormonal treatment pathway or a non-hormonal and holistic way. There are sections on fertility and sexual health which is so important, especially when experiencing POI. I really enjoyed the sections about self-identity and living positively as a child-free woman.

Where were you on your Pausal Journey when you started reading it?

This is a very recent purchase for me but I read it in just a few days as it was just so interesting! It has helped me through my recent change in doctors as I have moved to London and seeking out more care. I bought myself it as a birthday present in September but just got around to reading it this new year.

What did you find most helpful or has stayed with you?

Honestly, many parts of this book were helpful but an interesting angle that I had never seen before is how many women go undiagnosed. 12% of women go through menopause at age 40-45 and 3% go through menopause even earlier so it shocked me to read how many cases are overlooked and turned away. I was diagnosed at 15 and now I am 22 and still seeking self-driven help! So many women must feel so alone. It is heartbreaking.

Is there anything you did not agree with or any information you struggled with?

Many books like this one are not easy to read, however, this book really sheds light on the realities of early menopause in an amazingly informative and sensitive way.

Did the book lead you to research anything else or take a specific action?

This book was one of the reasons I decided to set more boundaries in my life. Recognising your worth is vital when relearning the world around us after diagnosis of menopause. It made me question the professionals (to a certain extent) and educate myself further about my body and the bodies around me. It is an inclusive, evidence-based book that I believe everyone with POI or early menopause should read!


Sheree has also shared her thoughts on a recommended book ‘Our Guide To Premature Ovarian Insufficiency’ …  

You may also find our Early Menopause page helpful - If you are looking for support or have questions please message us at Pause and Unite and we can help connect you.  

You may also find our Early Menopause page helpful - If you are looking for support or have questions please message us at Pause and Unite and we can help connect you.  

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