For a variety of reasons some women experience Menopausal Symptoms before the Age of 45 years.
This is often classed as Early Menopause or Premature Menopause, it can happen naturally or as a response to treatments, surgery or other health conditions.
This page is growing as we discover more information, meet more women who are happy to share experiences and we discover the support available.
If you can help women with Early Menopause or have an experience you wish to share with others please do get in touch.

Sheree Hargreaves is our Early Menopause Ambassador
Sheree is passionate about raising awareness of Early Menopause and POI. Visit her page for more information, recommendation and videos.
We don't want you to be alone on this journey - so there is the ASK SHEREE section too....

Emma's Book Recommendations
Discover the books Emma has found most useful so far on her Journey through Early Menopause.

Sheree's Book Recommendation
Discover the book Sheree, Our Early Menopause Ambassador, has found most useful so far on her Journey through Early Menopause.

Early and Premature Menopause
NHS Inform - Scotland explains more about what is Early Menopause and what you can do.

Daisy Network
Daisy Network is dedicated to providing information and support to women diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), also known as Premature Menopause. |

The Complete Guide to POI and Early Menopause
By Dr Hannah Short & Dr Mandy Leonhardt - Offers a roadmap to navigating the emotional and hormonal rollercoaster that accompanies these diagnosis.