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book recommendations book review maria hastings Oct 25, 2022


I find so much inspiration from this book to support me as I teach Menopause Yoga in my community.

Kate Codrington shares her wisdom throughout Second Spring. The book acknowledges how the menopause transformation affects us on many levels - Physically, Psychologically, Socially, Spiritually and takes a holistic approach to menopause, whether we choose HRT or natural solutions, or a combination of both, it's a question of individual choice, about being informed with the latest knowledge and listening to our bodies, which ultimately empowers us to choose wisely.

It offers wonderful practices to empower us to tune-in and listen to what we need.
From my own experience, one of the greatest gifts of a Yoga practice during menopause is the chance to pause, tune-in, and ask "what do I need most right now?
-Do I need rest?
-Do I need movement?
-Do I need nourishment?
-Do I need connection?"

Then trust the response, and with kindness, and without judgement, allow it.

For example for me as a I write this I feel that 'Today I chose more rest than I realised I needed,
and connection with a dear friend who teaches me so much about the power of listening.

What do you need?
We'd love to know - what supports you on your menopause journey ? Comment below or Find us on Social @pauseandunite.


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