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Catherine Jackson of Rooted Life Teaching women how to breathe and reduce menopause symptoms

Monthly Menopause Challenge - Discover This Free Tool to Help with Menopausal Symptoms

monthly challenge specialist symptoms May 01, 2023

🌟Our May Challenge in our Pause and Unite Menopause Facebook Group is aimed to help you learn more about your breath - DID YOU KNOW THAT HOW YOU BREATHE CAN HAVE A HUGE IMPACT ON MENOPAUSAL SYMPTOMS SUCH AS ANXIETY, SLEEPNESSESS, BRAIN FOG, OVERWHELM AND MORE?

Each day Catherine Jackson, Health Coach and Oxygen Advantage Instructor will provide information and teach small changes you can make to take advantage of this free tool you use every day but surprisingly may know little about.   

Come and join us - share what you have tried and how it has helped … 🌟

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