"I'm usually on 2mg of sandrena gel a day due to severe migraines as a result of menopause. This isn't available as a result of the national shortage. My GP has written me a prescription to replace this with 1 x everol 50 patch twice a week.

I'm certain this isn't an equivalent dose, can someone confirm?"

Answered by Dr Sally Bell

"Hi, Does anyone know if you can use CBD patches with Estrogen patches? "

Answered by Dr Sally Bell

"Hi, I'm 49 in a couple of weeks, I'm half way through my menopause, I have hot flushes and according to my husband, I'm very snappy (i don't even notice I'm being like that) I have also gained about 3 stone in a year I have zero fitness level and can't seem to lose any weight at all. Does anyone know if I will start to lose weight when I'm finally through my menopause? Thanks"

Answered by Emma Simarro, Women's Health & Fitness Coach

"Does anyone feel they cannot relax their mind, mines racing all the time. I feel my head is going to burst I'm going mad. Wondering if it is a symptom of the menopause?"

Answered by Helen Hallows, Creative Wellbeing Expert
Answered by Maria Hastings, Teacher of Menopause for Yoga

"Thank you for letting me join. I am 38 and have symptoms of Peri but I don't know how to approach it with the doctor"

Answered by Dr Sally Bell

"Hi, has anyone here found that they've developed a gluten intolerance or that an existing gluten sensitivity has worsened as they've approached peri-menopause? I've been struggling with stomach issues for a while and all GP tests have come back normal (def not coeliac) but cutting out gluten seems to be only thing that helps.

GP was very dismissive but it's definitely working. Just wondering if it could be hormone related and if I'll ever be able to eat proper bread again"

Answered by Rebecca Wakefield, Registered Nutritionist

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is well researched but not recognised as an issue by conventional medicine. Many women can become sensitive to gluten which doesn't always....


"Hi there, I just joined. I'm 49 and had no symptoms so far until this month when I have had a month long very heavy period that feels like it's never going to stop!!! Is this normal? "

Answered by Dr Sally Bell

"Oh my goodness!!! Never suffered with anxiety before but been having the strangest feelings of dread, anxiety and fear this current period. I'm in Instanbul away from home too and almost had a full on panic attack. My friend I'm with says it's maybe related to peri-menopause as I'm pretty resilient mentally, don't feel stressed or overwhelmed but dear God the feelings in my poor body.

Any advice on supplements I could take along the natural route? "

Answered by Eileen, A Vogel Menopause Specialists

This situation is quite common in the menopause so you are certainly not alone here. This symptom is caused by falling/fluctuating oestrogen levels, which can ....

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"Hi, I had a Malignant Melonoma in 2005. What are the risks with HRT, does it increase the risk of returning/secondary cancers? Thank you "

Answered by Dr Sally Bell

"Hi, first time posting. I've been in peri menopause for a while now, periods are hit and miss I can go 6 months with none and then have 2 in the space of 5 weeks. My main issue at the moment is lack of sleep. I'm very restless tossing and turning all night and then I wake with anxiety, heart pounding, body all tense and it takes a few hours to pass. I'm not on HRT.

Any tips or guidance on how I can manage this anxiety, It's having a massive impact on my life."

Answered by Detzi Simpson, Reiki/Meditation Teacher, Reflexologist

"Can anyone advise me on where I can buy testosterone cream? 

 My GP is presently refusing to prescribe."

Answered by Dr Sally Bell

"My sex drive has nose dived since being perimenopausal. Is there anything I can do or take to improve my libido? "

Answered by Eileen, A Vogel Menopause Specialists

This is such a common symptom, but can be caused by a number of issues so it can be quite a difficult one to resolve, unfortunately - The main reason being ....

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