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Specialist Live this Month - Ruth Devlin - How to Talk to the Men in Your Life about Menopause

live relationships specialist May 31, 2023

🌟Join us for a Live Q & A in the  Pause and Unite Menopause Facebook Group on Wed 7th June 2023 - 7.30pm .

Ruth Devlin, joins us to discuss How to Talk to the Men in Your Life about Menopause . 

Ruth is founder and director of Let's Talk Menopause. As well as an author, Ruth regularly speaks and runs workshops in the workplace for men and women, educating and helping to improve the work environment during menopausal years. 

If you cannot make the Live you can leave your question in the Facebook Group and we will be sure to ask Ruth🌟

Also listen to the reviews on Ruth's book; Men, Let's Talk Menopause left by a Pause and Unite follower and her husband. 

Do you have a Question or a Story to Share? 

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