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Women taking part in study about Impact of Menopause on memory and thinking

Is Menopause Impacting Your Life ? Help discover more and join this latest study

memory research Nov 11, 2023

Join Pause and Unite's, Alicia, in helping the scientific world understand more about the impact of Menopause. 

This latest Study led by the University of Nottingham is looking at how Menopause influences attention, memory and flexible thinking. Alicia will be taking part and sharing with you, the findings and subsequent developments. 

If you are female and over 35 years of age you can help make a difference to what we understand about menopause and lead to improving services and treatment for future generations. 

Remember even if your periods are on the whole regular, you may be experiencing other perimenopause symptoms, all women over 35 years old are welcome to apply. 

Simply scan the QR code in the image below or visit MenoCog – Cognition in Menopause Reasearch ( - you can also email [email protected]

To hear of updates relating to this and other studies/reviews/specialist information be sure to subscribe to our mailing lists. 



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